Articles, Videos, and Podcasts
Hack Your Brain’s Default Mode with Meditation, Dan Harris.
Anderson Cooper and Jon Kabat Zinn, 60 Minutes.
Mindfulness at Work is Not Mind Control, Jeremy Adam Smith.
Meditation Made Me a Better Negotiator, Dina Kaplan.
Shinzen Interviews, Shinzen Young.
What Makes a Leader? Daniel Goleman.
What Google Learned About Building Perfect Teams, New York Times.
Discovering Your Authentic Leadership, Bill George, Peter Sims, Andrew McLean, Diana Mayer, Harvard Business Review.
The True Qualities of Authentic Leaders, Bill George, Forbes.
9 Ways Amazing Leaders Demonstrate Real Authenticity Every Day, Peter Economy, Inc.
What is Authentic Leadership? Ronald E. Riggio, Psychology Today.
Just Breathe by Julie Bayer Salzman & Josh Salzman (Wavecrest Films).
Books on Mindfulness at Work:
Caruso, David R. & Salovey, Peter (2004). The Emotionally Intelligent Manager: How to Develop and Use the Four Key Emotional Skills of Leadership. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.
Carroll, Michael (2006). Awake at Work: 35 Practical Buddhist Principles for Discovering Clarity and Balance in the Midst of Work’s Chaos. Shambhala Press: Boston.
Cashman, Kevin (2008). Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a Leader for Life. Berrett-Koehler Publishers: San Francisco.
Culadasa, John Yates (2015). The Mind Illuminated: A Complete Meditation Guide Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science. Dharma Treasure Press: Pearce, AZ.
Farhi, Donna (2003). Bringing Yoga to Life: The Everyday Practice of Enlightened Living. HarperCollins: New York.
Goleman, Daniel (2013). Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence. HarperCollins: New York.
Halpern, Charles (2008). Making Waves and Riding the Currents: Activism and the Practice of Wisdom. Berrett-Koehler: San Francisco.
Harris, Dan (2014). 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works — A True Story. HarperCollins: New York.
Harris, Russ (2008). The Happiness Trap. Trumpeter Books: Boston.
Huffington, Arianna (2014). Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder. Crown Publishing: New York.
Kabat-Zinn, Jon (1994). Wherever You Go, There You are, Mindfulness Meditation In Every Day Life. Hyperion: New York.
Kahneman, Daniel (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow. Farrar, Straus & Giroux: New York.
Langer, Ellen (1997). The Power of Mindful Learning. A Merloyd Lawrence Book, Da Capo Press: Boston.
Loehr, Jim and Schwartz, Tony (2003). The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal. New York: Free Press.
Marturano, Janice (2014). Finding the Space to Lead: A Practical Guide to Mindful Leadership. Bloomsbury Press: New York.
McKenzie, Stephen (2015). Mindfulness at Work: How to Avoid Stress, Achieve More, and Enjoy Life! Career Press: Pompton Plains, NJ.
Palmer, Wendy and Crawford, Janet (2013). Leadership Embodiment: How the Way We Sit and Stand Can Change the Way We Think and Speak. The Embodiment Foundation: San Rafael, CA.
Rinpoche, Yongey Mingyur (2007). The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness. Random House: New York.
Ryan, Tim (2012). A Mindful Nation: How a Simple Practice Can Help Us Reduce Stress, Improve Performance, and Recapture the American Spirit. Hay House.
Salzberg, Sharon (2014). Real Happiness at Work: Meditations for Accomplishment, Achievement, and Peace. Workman Publishing: New York.
Showkeir, Maren & Showkeir, Jamie (2013). Yoga Wisdom at Work. Berrett-Koehler: San Francisco.
Singer, Michael (2015). The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life’s Perfection. Crown Publishing: New York.
Thich Nhat Hanh (2012). Work: How to Find Joy and Meaning in each Hour of the Day. Parallax: Berkeley, CA.
Universities/Organizations & Retreat Centers
The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society
Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations
George Mason University Center for the Advancement of Well-Being (includes leadership development)
Greater Good: Science of a Meaningful Life
The Institute for Mindful Leadership
Kripalu Center for Health and Wellness
University of California San Diego’s Center for Mindfulness
University of Florida, Mindfulness Wave
University of Massachusetts Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Healthcare and Society
Mindfulness Practices/Activities/Apps
LinkedIn groups: Mindfulness in the Workplace and Mindful Leadership
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Guided Mindfulness Meditation: A Complete Guided Mindfulness Meditation Program
Mindfulness Training for the Legal Mind: Warrior One
On-line Meditation Tools: Insight Timer
Scott Rogers, Mindfulness Exercise: Order in the Cortex
Patience Coster, The Calm Coloring Book for Adults
Headspace App